You have decided now is the perfect time to buy or update your erp software. That is an excellent move because you know and advanced erp solution can help your business in so many ways and will help you manage every aspect of its growth.
Your goals
Before you choose any erp and implement it, it is good to know what you hope to achieve with the erp. In addition, you need to be prepare to handle the setbacks of your current system. It is also crucial to know how to align your business goals with the erp you choose. Take into consideration security as well. You may have many reasons to use an erp, but you should full understand what you want and need from your solution.
Gather a team of experts
As aforementioned gather your team and let them onboard. The erp implementation cannot be successful without their input. Ensure to schedule erp training earlier in the project and ensure everyone participates.
Choose a reliable service provider
Select the implementation partner and solution provider. There are numerous erp solutions, and it is important your erp software selection consider your business processes, needs, and budget. Play close attention to functionality, reliability, and efficiency.
Commitment is key
The implementation of the erp should not be overwhelming or traumatic, but it will require some serious effort. There is a need for a couple of basics though: use tracking tools such as MS project to manage your work, ensure the project is highly visible to everyone who is on board, and throughout the process, you should not skip training as well.
Stay updated
Remember, the implementation continues even after the go live. You should always be updated with new releases, features, and training. Take into advanced account functionality and educate your employees as well. Not only will your applications change, but your people will also change, and you should also ensure that you stay up to speed with everything that is taking place in the world of erp.